
Free - Ride

Le journal des élèves
La Gazette


Serre-Chevalier : a huge playground....



The off-piste ski is two folded:

The proximity off-piste and the free ride




Cold snow







The off-piste ski :




Definition :

We practice do off-piste ski in different snow conditions as soon as the snow layer is stable and that security is guaranteed.



The difficulty level will depend on the snow condition :


light snow,

heavy snow fall,

Spring snow, etc ...

A same run can be quite demanding and dynamic in January but easier in Spring.

Melted snow



Necessary material :

• backpack with a shovel,
• a sonde,
• a first aid kit
• a DVA, tool which enables to detect persons under avalanches)
• advised : a helmet



The proximity off-piste:


Definition: Off-piste ski practised close to regular ski .


We start at the mountain top using the regular cable car to reach it and at the end of the off-piste session we come back onto the regular slopes.



Cable cars are not always visible.



Le free-ride :


definition : Free-ride ski is skiing outside the resort slopes.



During a free-ride session,

we need to schedule carefully the slopes

we choose to enjoy them at most




It is possible to walk up the mountain

to reach a nice slope and create great tracks…



In more wild areas,

we leave the traditional off-piste slopes.


At the end of the off-piste session, a debriefing is necessary…



…by drinking to re-hydrate!



Isabelle SABATER
Quartier du Roy

Tel : 06 81 50 22 19

e-mail :


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